The most effective means for the prevention and treatment against parasites

The human body is considered to be a living space for many micro-organisms. There are a few simple rules that will not allow pests to become owners.

Symptoms the presence of parasites

Man is the crown of creation. However, not everyone knows that the place of residence for many parasitic organisms. Bacteria, fungal infections, and many different types of worms reside in the bodies of 85% of the world population. This neighborhood leads to the deterioration of health and many diseases, the causes, which doctors can not immediately identify. This is the reason why prevention of parasites in people should be one of the first places among measures of health.

Symptoms the presence of parasites

Parasites use the host organism as habitat, eating their food, first and foremost, vitamins, waste your life of blood and other systems. On day one the worm lays up to half a million eggs. The parasites settle in literally any organ, including the intestines, liver, muscles, brain, lungs, mucous membranes, and eyes the action against the owner.

Because it is in the human body for a long time and in large numbers, the worms cause the following symptoms:

  • inflammation of the walls of the intestine, constipation nutrient absorption;
  • bloating, bloating of the small intestine;
  • in dysbacteriosis;
  • a lot of parasites, which can cause obstruction of ducts and intestines;
  • cause diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract, as a result of the migration of certain parasites;
  • the increase in body temperature;
  • immune functions of the body;
  • allergic to the parasites themselves or as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • any skin, rashes, ulcers, papilloma, eczema and other diseases;
  • muscles, pain in the joints, due to damage parasites;
  • violations of body weight;
  • sleep problems;
  • grinding of the teeth during sleep as a result of irritation of the nervous system;
  • depression, neurosis, anxiety;
  • physical, mental, emotional exhaustion chronic nature;
  • nausea, a condition such as the common cold or the flu;
  • prolonged intoxication and the weakening of the immune system, causes cancer.
Folk remedy for parasites

These symptoms may be present in other diseases, therefore, to draw conclusions or to prescribe treatment on the basis of the impossible. Often, normal laboratory tests do not show the real situation. For a correct diagnosis is required for an in-depth study.

The biggest danger parasites pose to children and women during pregnancy. The developing organism is very susceptible to helminths, and their toxins. The risk of delayed physical growth, inhibition of the activity of the brain and other problems.

Sources of infection

There are worms that use the human body as an intermediate for its existence. Others come to him after transit stays in the body all the animals. Other types do not require mediation services. Each of them enters into the human body on their own.


Pets or their street counterparts active carriers of the worms. Games with four-legged friends enter the person in danger. Especially if you let them lick his hands and face, is from the central panel, and so on. After contact with the animals need high-quality processing of hands and the dress, which is very important for children.


Flies carrying the infection, including the larvae of the worms. Almost all the blood-sucking insects, led by the mosquitoes, also transporterowych eggs of parasites on the human body. Should be protected from contact with the fleas and the cheek, mites, bed bugs and other dangerous members of this species.

Food from the garden

Vegetables, berries and fruits that have had contact with the ground, are the ideal providers of helminths. There are the gifts of the beds is only possible after thorough washing. Otherwise there is a high risk of infection of the human body parasites, and that they will have to carry out the treatment.


The larvae of some species of worms waiting in the wings in the water. And there is the possibility of infection in the body dangerous pests. In no case should not drink from the rivers and lakes. As well as the wash of the water, hands and food. Swimming in untested and suspicious of places that carries the same risk.

Fish and meat

Many species of fish, molluscs, crustaceans, large and small cattle, pigs and other animals, which are intermediate station for some worms. While in your body, the larvae wait for a moment, when you get in the human gut. The biggest danger for people who enjoy meat animals in raw or undercooked form. For the treatment and relaxation of the body, in this case, the need to use a special diet and pills against worms.

According to statistics, a sharp rise in helminth infection occurs in the summer months. It was at this time targeted the prevention of parasites and the competent treatment.


How to get rid of uninvited guests

Opinions are fundamentally divided. Some argue that there is no presence of worms is not the problem, and forces the body enough to cope with the natural order. These people do not do anything against parasites, refuse treatment and the tablets, and also behave too carelessly.

Other supporters almost sterile way of life. They are constantly in the pill against worms, welcome both traditional and non-traditional treatment, which boil the scissors before cutting the nails and iron absolutely everything, down to the socks.

However, in both cases, the human body suffers. Please consult with the infectious diseases and, occasionally, to fight against the invaders, the use of pills or an effective folk remedy.

Medications against parasites

There is a large list of medications active against worms. Pills is focused very toxic to the human body, but the impact on specific parasites with a high efficiency. Drug with a broad spectrum of activities is more gentle but they're not all strong. It is necessary that the tactics of treatment and pills prescribed by the doctor with the function states of the human body, the degree of infection.

Natural remedies for worms

Treatment against parasites can be even more effective with the addition of some more traditional ways to get rid of the scourge. But sometimes enough only one of the following recipes for body cleansing, without harsh chemicals.

Simple folk ways:

  • add to any dish with raw garlic, onions, ginger;
  • essential oils of tea tree, bergamot or lavender – 2 drops of any food;
  • on an empty stomach to eat 2 tablespoons of raw sunflower seeds of pumpkins;
  • a decoction of fennel or chamomile, who drink instead of tea.

A reminder for the family

So that you do not have to carry out regular treatment, which is not always simple, and harmless, it is recommended to timely choose for the prevention of parasites.

The principle of the protection of the parasites, which are important for the whole family:

  • wash hands before eating, using the toilet and after;
  • wash hands, back from the street, after playing with animals;
  • do not swim in unfamiliar waters, do not drink the water;
  • do not eat unwashed vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • eat plenty of fresh vegetables with a bitter taste, especially the garlic;
  • to reduce the consumption of sweet yeast products;
  • meat products may be sold only in the audited areas;
  • follow the preparation of meat dishes;
  • Cleaning
  • keep the house clean, the consumption of wet cleaning;
  • upholstered furniture, carpets once a year, for the treatment of antimicrobials;
  • often wash, wash children's clothes and toys;
  • small children should not touch animals, play ground and sand;
  • occasionally take pills or use traditional remedy against worms;
  • caution and only when necessary resort to taking medication;
  • keep the joy of the spirit, a positive attitude to life.

There is nothing complicated in the prevention of infection with worms. To regain your health, your body, you only need to make the right decision and they had little willpower.